Copilot Smartphone come funziona tutorial video

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In recent months, the new Copilot tool has made its way into our smartphones, a virtual assistant based on ChatGPT technology that allows for various useful activities in daily life. Copilot is available for both iOS and Android as an app downloadable from official stores.

Copilot Smartphone come funziona tutorial video

In this tutorial video, we will see in detail how to use the Copilot application directly from an Android smartphone, discovering all the potential that this innovative artificial intelligence tool offers. The app already integrates the functionalities of GPT-4, the most powerful and updated version of ChatGPT, thus allowing to leverage cutting-edge technology for better and more accurate results.

From simple chat with questions and answers to generating photorealistic images, from planning trips to creating texts and songs: in the video, we will see everything we can do with Copilot directly from our smartphone. We will discover the advantages compared to the official ChatGPT app and also some limitations to keep in mind. In short, a video to understand if Copilot can truly become our hi-tech personal assistant to always carry with us on our smartphones!


Copilot Smartphone how it works - Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot is a virtual assistant developed by Microsoft, initially launched as Bing Chat on February 7, 2023. It integrates with Microsoft Bing and Microsoft Edge, replacing the former Cortana.

It uses the Microsoft Prometheus language model, based on OpenAI's GPT-4, to provide advanced conversational suggestions, similar to ChatGPT. Copilot is available through a freemium model and allows users to interact using keywords as commands, preceded by an exclamation point in syntax.

Copilot Smartphone how it works - Tutorial video

YouTube Video

In recent months, the new Copilot tool has made its way into our PCs, a virtual assistant that integrates ChatGTP technology and allows for various tasks, including integration with productivity apps (Microsoft 365, etc.).

Copilot Smartphone how it works - CoPilot and comparison with ChatGPT

The advent of CoPilot marks an important evolution in the landscape of personal virtual assistants, offering a new perspective in human-machine interaction. Microsoft Copilot stands out as an application integrated directly into Windows computers and Android smartphones, inheriting its technological heritage from Bing chat and taking its functionalities to a new level.

While ChatGPT has gained popularity for its ability to generate text and intelligent responses, CoPilot distinguishes itself for its versatility and native integration with Windows and Android operating systems. CoPilot offers a wide range of functionalities, including chat, image creation, and integration with plugins for specific tasks, making it an ideal companion for daily productivity and creativity.

However, the comparison between CoPilot and ChatGPT is not limited only to their functionalities. It also concerns the user experience, system responsiveness, and the quality of responses provided. CoPilot offers a more integrated and direct approach, while ChatGPT boasts greater flexibility and depth in generated responses.

The CoPilot application can be considered an interesting alternative to ChatGPT, albeit presenting some differences to consider. The main advantage of CoPilot is that it already integrates the functionalities of GPT-4 for free, while ChatGPT in the free version only allows the use of GPT-3.5.

CoPilot also allows uploading photos and images, which is not possible with the free version of ChatGPT. On the downside, the vocal response of CoPilot seems less accurate and pleasant than that of ChatGPT. In terms of speed, CoPilot might be slightly slower because it is based on the free version of GPT-4.

In summary, as long as CoPilot remains free, it can be a valid alternative to ChatGPT, allowing to leverage some advanced functionalities even without payment. However, the choice between the two apps depends on the preferences and needs of each user. Both can prove to be useful hi-tech assistants to integrate into daily life.
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Copilot Smartphone how it works - Using CoPilot on Android

The practical use of CoPilot on Android devices. It starts with the process of installation and launching of the application, highlighting the simplicity of the process. Once the app is launched, the various available functionalities are explored, including chat, image creation, and integration with Office and other productivity tools.

The app in Italian is emphasized for its accessibility and its ability to meet a wide range of needs, both personal and professional. Additionally, the option to upgrade to a paid Pro plan is discussed, exploring the differences and advantages offered by this plan. The different tools and options available within the app are also analyzed, providing users with a comprehensive overview of the functionalities and potential of CoPilot on Android.

The CoPilot app on Android features a clean and intuitive interface, allowing users to fully exploit the potential of artificial intelligence. After logging in with the Microsoft account, it is possible to chat with CoPilot in Italian, ask questions, make requests, and get answers on various topics.

CoPilot offers various specific tools accessible from the top menu, such as Designer for image creation, Vacation Planner for trip planning, Kitchen Assistant for recipes, and much more. A very useful feature is the ability to upload photos directly into the app and receive information about the image by identifying objects, places, or other details.

Among the settings, it is possible to activate plugins, additional components that enrich the experience, and choose between different conversation styles. CoPilot on Android proves to be a valid tool for carrying out many activities on the go, with quick and accurate responses thanks to the integration of GPT-4. It's worth trying as a hi-tech personal assistant always at hand.
Copilot Smartphone come funziona tutorial video - Mr Paloma

Copilot Smartphone how it works - Advanced functionalities of CoPilot

The advanced functionalities of CoPilot. Starting from the use of GPT 4 for more accurate and updated responses, it explores how this integration improves the user experience. Additionally, the possibilities offered by plugins are analyzed, allowing for specific tasks to be performed and customizing the user experience.

The wide range of practical use cases of CoPilot is highlighted, such as creating an editorial calendar for Instagram and generating texts and songs through integrated tools. Finally, CoPilot is compared to ChatGPT, examining the key differences between the two platforms and evaluating the potential of CoPilot as an alternative.

In addition to basic functionalities like chat and image generation, CoPilot offers users some truly advanced tools thanks to artificial intelligence.

One of the most surprising capabilities is the ability to create complete texts and songs with lyrics and audio using plugins like Anthropic or Suo. Just provide a title and a musical genre to get a song generated from scratch by AI in a few seconds.

Also, the ability to upload photos and recognize objects and details within the image represents a premium function. CoPilot can analyze the photo and provide accurate and updated information about what is depicted.

There are also specific skills that can be activated such as the Fitness Trainer, Vacation Planner, and Shopping Assistant, capable of providing personalized advice on sports, travel, and purchases. CoPilot provides users with a real hi-tech personal assistant that, thanks to machine learning, is constantly evolving and improving.

Copilot Smartphone how it works - Sources

All AI in your Smartphone! Why use COPILOT on mobile
Microsoft Copilot
Microsoft Copilot Android

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Copilot è un assistente virtuale basato sulla tecnologia di ChatGPT che offre una vasta gamma di funzionalità utili nella vita quotidiana. Funziona come un'applicazione scaricabile gratuitamente dagli store ufficiali di iOS e Android, permettendo agli utenti di interagire con esso per svolgere una varietà di compiti utilizzando il linguaggio naturale..

Copilot offre diverse funzionalità, tra cui chat con domande e risposte, generazione di immagini fotorealistiche, pianificazione di viaggi, creazione di testi e canzoni, integrazione con app di produttività come Microsoft 365, e altro ancora..

Copilot integra gratuitamente le funzionalità di GPT-4, mentre ChatGPT nella versione free utilizza solo GPT-3.5. Inoltre, Copilot offre una maggiore versatilità e integrazione con i sistemi operativi Windows e Android rispetto a ChatGPT..

L'utilizzo di Copilot su dispositivi Android è semplice: basta scaricare l'app dall'app store ufficiale, avviare l'applicazione e esplorare le varie funzionalità disponibili, tra cui la chat, la creazione di immagini e l'integrazione con Office e altri strumenti di produttività..

Le funzionalità avanzate di Copilot includono l'utilizzo di GPT-4 per risposte più accurate e aggiornate, l'integrazione di plugin per svolgere compiti specifici come la creazione di testi e canzoni, la generazione di immagini fotorealistiche e altro ancora..

Sì, il confronto tra Copilot e ChatGPT riguarda le loro funzionalità, esperienza utente, reattività del sistema e qualità delle risposte. Copilot offre un approccio più integrato e diretto, mentre ChatGPT può vantare una maggiore flessibilità e profondità nelle risposte generate..

Le fonti fornite nel testo includono informazioni su Microsoft Copilot e altre risorse utili per comprendere meglio le funzionalità e le potenzialità di Copilot..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 23/02/2024 - Copilot Smartphone come funziona tutorial video
Written by Mokik

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