Come creare canzoni con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Suno ai

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Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the world of music, allowing even non-musicians to create complete songs in a few clicks. This is demonstrated by a recent video tutorial that explains in detail the capabilities of, a website that leverages AI to generate musical tracks.

Come creare canzoni con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Suno ai

Simply inputting a few pieces of information, such as preferred genre or some keywords, automatically produces the musical base, the lyrics, and even a voice to sing the song. The results are astonishing: the songs have catchy choruses and coherent lyrics, even in Italian. You can create hits for events, cities, occasions, or even personalized love songs. offers 50 free credits per day, enough for about ten song previews. You can remix the tracks, edit the lyrics, and download the final result in audio or video format. Commercial use requires a paid subscription, but the creative possibilities are endless.

The video tutorial shows in detail how to use after creating an account, simply choose the music genre and enter keywords to immediately get a complete song. With a few clicks, you can generate endless variations and customize every aspect. The artificial intelligence composes melodies, verses, and choruses convincingly.

In short, opens the doors of musical composition even to non-experts, with surprising results. Thanks to AI, even those without musical skills can unleash their creativity and invent unique and original songs.


How to create free music songs - is a revolutionary tool based on artificial intelligence that allows you to create complete songs in a few clicks. Simply input the desired music genre and some keywords, and the website automatically generates the base, the lyrics, and even a voice to sing the song. The results are astonishing: the songs have catchy melodies, coherent rhyming lyrics, engaging verses, and choruses, all in Italian.

You can create customized songs for occasions, events, cities, or romantic dedications. After generation, you can edit the lyrics, remix, and download the song. offers 50 free credits per day, enough for about ten previews. For commercial uses, a paid subscription is required, but the creative possibilities are infinite.

In summary, maximizes the capabilities of AI for musical composition, allowing even non-experts to create unique and original songs with great ease.

How to create free music songs - Video tutorial

YouTube Video

Here's another truly extraordinary Artificial Intelligence tool: Suno is an amazing website that allows you to create entire songs from a simple idea, from the classic prompt or text that comes to mind.

Thanks to AI, Suno's tool generates multiple song variations in seconds with everything you need: music, lyrics, and voice, complete with verses, chorus, and bridge. The songs are beautiful and catchy, and Suno is one of the few tools currently offering clean, accent-free Italian singing.

How to create free music songs - Prices

Come creare canzoni con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Suno ai - Mr Paloma offers various subscription plans to meet the needs of both casual and professional users. Those who just want to experiment can use the free plan, which provides 50 credits per day, enough to generate about ten song previews lasting approximately 1 minute each.

For more intensive use, there are paid plans starting from 8 euros per month, offering hundreds of credits and advanced features such as priority song generation and remix capabilities. The Pro and Premium plans completely remove the daily credit limit and allow the use of the generated songs for commercial purposes, such as monetization on YouTube or distribution on platforms like Spotify.

In summary, allows you to create music with artificial intelligence for free for basic use, while monthly paid packages with low costs and increasing benefits are available for advanced and professional exploitation.

Basic Plan

The Basic Plan is perfect for casual users or those starting out with music creation. It's completely free and offers 50 credits per day, equivalent to about 10 songs. This plan is ideal for non-commercial use, as it adheres to non-commercial terms. However, it does not allow credit reloads, and users will share a generation queue, with a limit of 2 jobs running simultaneously.

Pro Plan

For more demanding users, Suno provides two advanced plans: the Pro Plan and the Premier Plan. The Pro Plan, priced at $10 per month, offers a significant upgrade with 2,500 credits every month (about 500 songs), under general commercial terms. This plan includes optional credit reloads for greater flexibility, access to a priority generation queue for faster processing, and allows up to 10 jobs to run simultaneously.

Premier Plan

The Premier Plan, at $30 per month, is our most comprehensive offering. It includes all the benefits of the Pro Plan but increases the credit allocation to a considerable 10,000 credits per month (about 2,000 songs), to meet the needs of intensive users or commercial enterprises.
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How to create free music songs - Sources

How to create SONGS and MUSIC for free with Artificial Intelligence. Tutorial

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FAQ è uno strumento basato sull'intelligenza artificiale che consente di creare canzoni complete in pochi click. Basta inserire il genere musicale desiderato e alcune parole chiave, e il sito genera automaticamente la base musicale, il testo e persino una voce per cantare il brano.. permette di generare canzoni con ritornelli orecchiabili, testi coerenti anche in italiano, strofe e ritornelli accattivanti. È possibile creare brani personalizzati per eventi, ricorrenze, città o dediche romantiche.. offre un piano gratuito che fornisce 50 crediti al giorno, sufficienti per una decina di anteprime di canzoni. Per un utilizzo più intensivo, sono disponibili piani a pagamento a partire da 8 euro al mese, che offrono funzionalità avanzate e l'accesso a una maggiore quantità di crediti..

È possibile trovare tutorial dettagliati su come utilizzare direttamente sul sito web della piattaforma o su piattaforme video come YouTube..

Sì, è possibile utilizzare le canzoni generate con a fini commerciali, ma è necessario sottoscrivere un abbonamento pay che permetta tale utilizzo. I piani Pro e Premium consentono di utilizzare le canzoni generate anche per scopi commerciali come la monetizzazione su piattaforme come YouTube o la distribuzione su servizi di streaming come Spotify..

I piani a pagamento di offrono un numero variabile di crediti mensili, a seconda del piano scelto. Ad esempio, il Piano Pro offre 2.500 crediti al mese, mentre il Piano Premier offre 10.000 crediti al mese..

Sì, supporta la lingua italiana sia per la generazione del testo delle canzoni che per la voce che canta il brano..

Sì, è possibile personalizzare le canzoni generate con modificando il testo, facendo remix e apportando altre modifiche attraverso gli strumenti disponibili sulla piattaforma..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 18/02/2024 - Come creare canzoni con intelligenza artificiale. Tutorial Suno ai
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