5 siti di intelligenza artificiale per piccole imprese e attivita locali

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5 siti di intelligenza artificiale per piccole imprese e attivita locali
The artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way we work and communicate. Increasingly, we hear about chatbots, virtual assistants, marketing tools, and graphics tools that leverage AI algorithms to simplify our lives. In this article, we want to introduce you to 5 AI-based tools that can be very useful for freelancers, small businesses, local businesses, and anyone looking to improve their productivity.

These tools are capable of generating text, images, and videos automatically based on simple inputs provided by the user. For example, you can get social media posts, advertising banners, logos, flyers, and much more in just seconds!

Let's delve into how they work:
ChatGPT for generating text,
Fliki.ai for creating videos,
Canva with its AI tools for graphic design,
Clipdrop for image editing,
Bing Image Creator for creating custom images.

Keep reading the article to discover all the advantages of these 5 tools that represent the future of automation applied to marketing, communication, and more.

Table of Contents

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - Video Tutorial

YouTube Video

Artificial Intelligence can offer significant advantages to small businesses, freelancers, shops, artisans, and small enterprises in general. There are accessible tools that can be used for free or with affordable subscription plans, considering the value and time saved.

Here are some AI tools that are easy to use and suitable for a variety of tasks:
ChatGPT: A versatile personal assistant capable of providing financial advice, information on regulations and licenses, marketing support, communication, customer loyalty, and more.

Fliki.ai: Allows automatic creation of videos from an idea, a blog article, or a product, including text, images, and music.

Canva with Magical Tools: Allows the creation of various graphics from scratch, ideal for designing business cards, flyers, social media posts, and more.

Clipdrop: Offers features to transform product photos (and more) into high-quality images ready to be published in catalogs, such as WhatsApp Business.

Bing (Microsoft): Integrating Copilot and tools from GPT-4 and DALL-E 3, it allows the creation of images from text or specific ideas.

These are just some examples of available tools. In our channel, you'll find many more options (check the complete playlist), but these are particularly suitable for local businesses and small enterprises looking for quick and effective solutions, considering the limited time available.

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - ChatGPT

ChatGPT is perhaps the most popular and talked-about artificial intelligence tool at the moment. It is a chatbot, a virtual assistant with which you can communicate through natural language text chat.

ChatGPT can answer questions, provide advice, generate text, and perform many other activities in an extremely natural and human-like manner. It can be a valuable tool for individuals and businesses, for example, to get creative ideas, draft texts like emails and social media posts, conduct research, and much more.

It is free in the basic version, while there is also a paid ChatGPT Plus with advanced features. ChatGPT's strength lies in its versatility: it easily adapts to any industry and need, saving precious time.

There are also extensions to make the most of this chatbot, see the article ChatGPT File Uploader Extended, and we've also written articles on how to maximize ChatGPT with GPT Store AI Tutorial videos.

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - Fliki.ai

Fliki.ai is a revolutionary tool that uses artificial intelligence to automatically create videos from text. Just input the transcript of a video, a blog article, or any other textual content, and Fliki.ai will generate a complete video with images, background music, and transitions. You can customize the video's length, style, colors, and other aspects to get exactly what you want.

Fliki.ai represents a significant time saver for those who need to create video content for the web and social media. In a few minutes, you can get a professional product ready to be published. Businesses, marketing professionals, content creators, and anyone working with videos will find Fliki.ai a valuable ally. After a free trial period, it is available by subscription starting at around $20 per month. It's definitely worth trying to accelerate and simplify the creation of engaging and quality videos.

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - Canva and Magical Tools


I] is a well-known online graphic design tool that allows you to easily create graphics and visual content of all kinds. Recently, Canva has implemented new tools based on artificial intelligence that make the graphic design process even simpler and faster. Now, with just a few clicks, you can get posters, social media graphics, logos, covers, and much more by simply describing what you want in the text field.

Canva and AI will automatically generate the graphic project, which can be customized and modified as desired. This revolutionary feature saves a tremendous amount of time for designers, social media managers, freelancers, and anyone who needs to create graphics quickly and easily. Canva was already an indispensable tool, and with the addition of artificial intelligence, it has become even more powerful. It is free with limited features, while Pro subscriptions are available to unlock all capabilities.

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - Clipdrop

Clipdrop is an online image editor that includes numerous advanced editing tools based on artificial intelligence. With Clipdrop, you can crop the main subject of a photo by removing the unwanted background with a single click. You can also remove unwanted objects like wires, people in the background, labels, and various imperfections.

Clipdrop integrates intelligent resizing features, color correction, definition enhancement, and much more to optimize images. It's perfect for quickly creating e-commerce product photos with a transparent background or eye-catching images for social media posts. With Clipdrop, you can also generate images from a textual description.

This intuitively designed online editor saves hours of work for graphic designers, social media managers, photographers, and anyone working with images. After a free trial period, Pro subscriptions with full features are available.

You may also be interested in our article on ClipDrop Practical Tutorial for Removing Background from Photos in a Few Moments.

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - Bing

Bing Image Creator is a revolutionary tool integrated into the Bing search engine that uses artificial intelligence to generate images from a textual description.

Simply write a sentence describing the desired image, and the AI system will create the corresponding image in just a few seconds. You can get illustrations, logos, graphics, and much more by typing what you want to visualize. Bing Image Creator is a huge time saver for designers, content creators, social media managers, and anyone who needs custom images for their work.

No more need to spend hours searching in image banks or hiring a graphic designer. With this tool integrated into Bing, you can autonomously generate all the necessary images quickly and for free. You just need a Microsoft account and a bit of creativity to describe the images you want to get. Definitely a tool to try to increase productivity and make visual content creation more effective.

5 Artificial Intelligence Websites - Sources

5 AMAZING Artificial Intelligence Tools for Small Businesses and Local Businesses

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Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 24/01/2024 - 5 siti di intelligenza artificiale per piccole imprese e attivita locali
Written by Mokik

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