Canali whatsapp come aggiungere amministratori

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Canali whatsapp come aggiungere amministratori
With the new beta version of WhatsApp, it is finally possible to add multiple administrators to channels, up to a maximum of 15. This is a highly anticipated and useful feature that will allow for more efficient and effective management of channels, especially those with a high number of subscribers.

Before this version, only one administrator per channel was allowed, typically the person who created it. This significantly limited the capabilities and uses of channels, especially for businesses and large profiles. Now, teams can collaborate in managing content and interacting with subscribed users.

To add new administrators, simply go to the channel settings on WhatsApp and select the option 'Invite administrators.' At this point, you can send invitations via messages to any contact or user already subscribed to the channel. Once the invitation is accepted, the new administrator can assist in creating and publishing new posts.

In addition to this video tutorial on adding administrators to WhatsApp channels, we have also written articles on How to backup WhatsApp and How to conduct polls on WhatsApp.


How to add more administrators - WhatsApp channels

WhatsApp has announced the introduction of channels, a new tool that provides users with a simple, reliable, and private way to receive updates from individuals and organizations directly on the messaging platform. The channels will be present in the new tab called Updates, separate from chats with friends, family, and communities.

Administrators of channels will have the ability to send text, photos, videos, stickers, and polls to their followers. To facilitate the selection of channels to follow, WhatsApp is developing a directory with search functionality, including a wide range of interests such as hobbies, sports teams, and updates from local authorities. Access to a channel will be possible through invitation links in chat, via email, or posted online.

WhatsApp is committed to ensuring maximum privacy for channel administrators and followers, protecting personal information. For example, the administrator's phone number and profile picture will not be visible to followers, and vice versa. The channel history will be stored on WhatsApp servers for a maximum of 30 days, with options to limit the visibility of updates on followers' devices.

Administrators will have control over visibility of their channel in the directory and follower management. Although end-to-end encryption is not default for channels, WhatsApp is considering the possibility of offering end-to-end encrypted channels in the future, especially for non-profit or healthcare organizations.

The introduction of channels represents a significant step requested by users for years, and WhatsApp is committed to maintaining the priority of sending private messages between friends, family, and communities. The company hopes that users will appreciate this new transmission tool in the months and years to come.

We have also written an article on how to use WhatsApp multi-device.

How to add more administrators - Video tutorial

YouTube Video
The possibility for WhatsApp channels to appoint multiple administrators has arrived, allowing for the comprehensive management of the channel, something eagerly awaited since the creation of channels.

How to add more administrators - Guide

Here are the main steps to add more administrators to WhatsApp channels:

Access the channel settings

To do this, enter the channel chat and tap on the 'Channel Info' option at the top right. This provides access to all available settings and options.

Select the 'Invite administrators' option

This option allows sending a special invitation to a contact to become a channel administrator. Before this beta version, only one administrator per channel was allowed.

Choose the contact to send the invitation to

You can select any contact from your address book or a user already subscribed among the channel viewers. The invitation can be sent via a regular message.

The chosen contact receives a notification

A special invitation notification to become an administrator. They can choose to accept or decline. Accepting grants permissions to manage the channel.

Once the invitation is accepted

The new administrator can help in channel management, such as creating and publishing new posts in the channel or interacting with subscribed users.

You can repeat the process to add up to a maximum of 15 administrators for each channel, including the original owner. This allows collaborative channel management.
 link affiliazione

How to add more administrators - Link

WHATSAPP CHANNELS: How to add more Administrators
Introducing WhatsApp Channels: A private way to follow what matters

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Con la nuova versione beta, è possibile aggiungere fino a 15 amministratori ai canali WhatsApp, consentendo una gestione più efficiente ed efficace dei contenuti..

Prima di questa versione beta, era permesso avere solo un amministratore per canale, limitando le potenzialità dei canali, specialmente per aziende e profili di grandi dimensioni..

Per aggiungere nuovi amministratori, basta entrare nelle impostazioni del canale, selezionare la voce 'Invita amministratori', e inviare l'invito tramite messaggio a qualsiasi contatto o utente già iscritto al canale..

Dopo aver accettato l'invito, il nuovo amministratore può supportare nella creazione e pubblicazione di nuovi post, contribuendo alla gestione del canale..

Per accedere alle impostazioni del canale, bisogna entrare nella chat del canale e toccare sulla voce 'Info canale' in alto a destra..

È possibile aggiungere fino a un massimo di 15 amministratori per ogni canale, incluso il proprietario originale, consentendo una gestione del canale in team..

Sì, oltre al tutorial sull'aggiunta di amministratori, sono disponibili tutorial su Come fare il backup di WhatsApp e Come fare i sondaggi su WhatsApp..

I canali offrono agli utenti un modo semplice, affidabile e privato per ricevere aggiornamenti da persone e organizzazioni direttamente sulla piattaforma di messaggistica. Gli amministratori possono inviare testo, foto, video, adesivi e sondaggi ai loro follower..

WhatsApp si impegna a proteggere le informazioni personali degli amministratori e dei follower. Ad esempio, il numero di telefono e l'immagine del profilo dell'amministratore non saranno visibili ai follower, e viceversa..

Una volta accettato l'invito, il nuovo amministratore ottiene i permessi per gestire il canale, contribuendo alla creazione e pubblicazione di nuovi contenuti..

Salsomaggiore Terme (Web) - 09/01/2024 - Canali whatsapp come aggiungere amministratori

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