Infezioni ginecologiche come curarle in modo naturale

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Infezioni ginecologiche come curarle in modo naturale
Prodotti Salsomaggiore Terme
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The infections affecting the female genital system are a widespread issue that impacts a large number of women throughout their lives. It is estimated that at least 75% of women experience at least one episode of intimate infection, such as vaginitis, candidiasis, or cystitis. These infections are usually caused by an imbalance in the normal vaginal bacterial flora, due to various factors including the use of antibiotics, hormonal changes, stress, or poor intimate hygiene.

The main symptoms of gynecological infections include burning, itching, discharge, and pain during urination or intercourse. Unfortunately, the tendency is often to neglect the initial signs of discomfort without proper treatment, leading to the chronicization of the condition and the recurrence of symptoms. Therefore, it is important to act promptly with targeted and effective remedies.

A valuable aid comes from the healing properties of thermal water, widely used for the treatment of various gynecological conditions. In particular, the Zoja Thermal Center at the Salsomaggiore Baths has developed a specific protocol that harnesses the well-known antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and rebalancing qualities of salsobromoiodic water to naturally prevent and counteract the most common intimate infections.

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Table of Contents

Gynecological Infections - Symptoms

Gynecological infections are inflammations affecting the female genital system caused by the abnormal proliferation of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. These infections can affect organs such as the vagina, cervix, uterus, tubes, or ovaries and manifest with symptoms such as discharge, itching, redness, pelvic pain, and urinary disturbances. They represent a common issue among women of childbearing age.

Gynecological Infections - Treatments

The treatment of vaginal infections is mainly based on the use of antifungal and antibiotic drugs, often combined with local treatments such as suppositories, creams, and vaginal lavages. However, for optimal management of these infections, it is advisable to complement pharmacological therapies with natural remedies that help rebalance the vaginal flora and enhance the body's immune defenses. In this regard, thermal water is a valuable ally, whose therapeutic properties have been known since ancient times. In particular, the salsobromoiodic water from the Salsomaggiore Baths has a mineral composition that exerts an effective antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory action at the vaginal level. Regular application through baths, irrigations, or vaginal showers helps counteract pathogens, soothe intimate discomfort, and prevent recurrences, improving the results of pharmacological therapies.

To prevent and counteract these issues, the Salsomaggiore Baths offer cycles of thermal treatments in agreement with the National Health Service (SSN). These therapeutic cycles may include thermal baths, irrigations, and occasionally, localized treatments with mud. Salsobromoiodic waters have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and hormonal cycle-regulating properties, making them particularly suitable for various gynecological treatments.

If it is not possible to undergo thermal treatment cycles at the Baths, it is still possible to follow a treatment protocol at home, using the products made available by the Salsomaggiore Baths.

Gynecological Protocol

The gynecological protocol is a kit of products designed for proper intimate hygiene and the treatment of gynecological infections and includes:

1 Iodobromic salts 1Kg
Iodobromic Bath Salts
 link affiliazione

1 intimate cleanser Salsomaggiore 200 ml
Salsomaggiore Tabiano Intimate Cleanser
 link affiliazione

1 Salsogyne pack containing 5 bottles of 140ml each
Salsogyne Disposable Vaginal Lavender 5 Bottles of 140 ml

To treat gynecological infections, it is essential to adopt proper intimate hygiene. It is recommended to use the intimate cleanser twice a day. Once a week, it is suggested to indulge in a relaxing bath enriched with Salsomaggiore Iodobromic Salts. Obtained directly from thermal water, these salts act on the skin of intimate areas, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties.

At the end of the menstrual cycle or in case of frequenting gyms and public pools, we recommend thorough cleansing using Salsogyne lavender. This product is protective and soothing in the presence of irritations of the intimate mucosa, as well as decongestant, antiseptic, and antimicrobial in the treatment of gynecological infections.


How to apply the gynecological protocol
Morning and Evening
Gently cleanse using the intimate cleanser with a pH of 5.5.

Once a Week
Feminine well-being also implies moments of relaxation. A great habit is to indulge in a bath enriched with Salsomaggiore Iodobromic Salts, containing Sodium Salts extracted directly from thermal water. These act directly on the skin of intimate parts, offering anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous actions.

In Critical Moments (at the end of the menstrual cycle, during visits to gyms, pools, and beaches, or at the change of seasons):
Perform a deep cleansing using Salsogyne vaginal lavender to counteract any existing intimate discomfort and prevent irritations or fungal infections. Salsogyne proves to be an excellent aid as a protective and soothing agent in case of irritative states of the intimate mucosa. It is also decongestant, antiseptic, and antimicrobial.

Infezioni ginecologiche - Link

Curare le infezioni ginecologiche
Foto di Andrea Piacquadio

Sali Iodobromici da bagno
Terme di Salsomagg. Tabiano Detergente Intimo


Le infezioni ginecologiche sono infiammazioni che coinvolgono l'apparato genitale femminile e sono causate dalla proliferazione anomala di microrganismi come batteri, funghi e protozoi..

I sintomi includono perdite anomale, prurito, arrossamento, dolore pelvico e disturbi della minzione. Queste infezioni possono colpire organi come la vagina, la cervice, l'utero, le tube o le ovaie..

Si stima che almeno il 75% delle donne sperimenti almeno un episodio di infezione intima nel corso della vita..

La cura si basa principalmente sull'utilizzo di farmaci antimicotici e antibiotici, spesso associati a trattamenti locali con ovuli, creme e lavande vaginali..

Affiancare rimedi naturali è consigliabile per riequilibrare la flora vaginale e potenziare le difese immunitarie, contribuendo a prevenire recidive..

L'acqua termale, in particolare quella salsobromoiodica delle Terme di Salsomaggiore, ha proprietà antisettiche, antimicrobiche e antiinfiammatorie che contribuiscono a contrastare patogeni, lenire fastidi intimi e prevenire recidive..

Le Terme di Salsomaggiore offrono cicli di cure termali in convenzione con il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), che possono includere bagni termali, irrigazioni e trattamenti localizzati a base di fanghi..

Il protocollo include sali iodobromici per bagni, un detergente intimo specifico e una lavanda vaginale monouso chiamata Salsogyne..

Il protocollo prevede l'uso del detergente intimo due volte al giorno, bagni settimanali con i sali iodobromici e detersione profonda con la lavanda vaginale Salsogyne in momenti critici..

Il corretto utilizzo dei prodotti contribuisce a garantire un'adeguata igiene intima, contrastare fastidi intimi e prevenire irritazioni o infezioni ginecologiche..

Puoi trovare ulteriori informazioni e risorse sulla cura delle infezioni ginecologiche seguendo il link Curare le infezioni ginecologiche..

Puoi visualizzare foto di Andrea Piacquadio relative all'argomento seguendo il link Foto di Andrea Piacquadio.

Salsomaggiore Terme (Salsomaggiore) - 22/11/2023 - Infezioni ginecologiche come curarle in modo naturale
Written by Mokik

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