Cinema Odeon Io capitano

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Cinema Odeon Io capitano
Prodotti Salsomaggiore Terme
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Io Capitano tells the journey of two young Senegalese, Seydou and Moussa, who leave their country to reach Europe. The film follows their journey through the Sahara Desert, Libyan prisons, and the Mediterranean Sea.

Written and directed by Matteo Garrone, the film stars two young Senegalese actors, Seydou Sarr and Moustapha Fall, alongside an international cast. Filming took place in Italy, Morocco, and Senegal.

For Italian cinema enthusiasts and those interested in exploring the complex theme of immigration, the screening of Io Capitano at the Odeon cinema is not to be missed.

The Odeon cinema in Salsomaggiore Terme will screen the film Io Capitano by Matteo Garrone on the following dates:

Friday 10/06/2023 at 9:15 PM
Saturday 10/07/2023 at 9:15 PM
Sunday 10/08/2023 at 5:00 PM and 9:15 PM
Tuesday 10/10/2023 at 9:15 PM

Duration: 121 minutes


Io Capitano - Plot

Io Capitano tells the story of two teenage cousins, Seydou and Moussa, born and raised in Dakar but with dreams of becoming musicians in Europe.

Despite Seydou's mother's objections, the two boys decide to secretly leave to reach the old continent. Thus begins a journey that will prove to be an odyssey: through the Sahara Desert, littered with the corpses of those who didn't survive, Libyan prisons, and the Mediterranean filled with dangers.

During their journey, the two young men will face thefts, violence, and abuses, but they will also encounter acts of humanity and kindness. In particular, Seydou will discover the meaning of taking responsibility for one's own life and that of others in extreme circumstances.

Io Capitano - Trailer

YouTube Video

Io Capitano tells the adventurous journey of two young individuals, Seydou and Moussa, who leave Dakar to reach Europe. A contemporary odyssey through the perils of the desert, the horrors of detention centers in Libya, and the dangers of the sea.

Io Capitano - Where to Watch

At the Odeon cinema (Via Valentini 11/A) in Salsomaggiore Terme
Cinema Odeon
Cinema Odeon Facebook

Io Capitano - Reviews

Matteo Garrone's film Io Capitano has received generally positive reviews from critics. Many praise the director's ability to tackle the complex and controversial theme of immigration from a fresh perspective, that of the migrants themselves, giving them a human dimension.

The performances of the two young leads, Seydou Sarr and Moustapha Fall, have been praised for their naturalness and intensity. In particular, Seydou's character and his journey to take responsibility for himself and others are seen as the emotional heart of the film. Garrone's direction, despite departing from the fairy-tale tones of his previous work "Pinocchio," is described as solid and consistent in bringing a contemporary, raw yet poetic odyssey to life.

Paolo Carnera's visuals powerfully capture the hardship of the journey through the desert and open sea. Some critics note some conventionality in the screenplay at certain points, but overall, the film is commended for addressing the immigration drama with artistic maturity and humanity.

Io Capitano - Venice

Io Capitano had its world premiere in competition at the 79th Venice International Film Festival. Matteo Garrone's film competed for the Golden Lion alongside other important international titles. The Venice premiere marked the director's return to the Lido after winning the Grand Jury Prize in 2008 with "Gomorra."

The reception from critics was generally positive, with praise for Garrone's ability to approach the theme of immigration with sensitivity and poetry. The film was awarded the Pasinetti Award for Best Italian Film by the National Union of Italian Film Journalists.


Youtube Trailer Io Capitano
01distribution - Io capitano (2023)

Salsomaggiore Terme (Salsomaggiore) - 06/10/2023 - Cinema Odeon Io capitano
Written by Mokik

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